SLO 1.1 - Atoms

Describe the subatomic composition and properties of elements

:key: Key Concepts and Skills

  • Basic Structure of Atom: Explain the structure of an atom including the properties (mass and charge) of electrons, protons, and neutrons as well as the relationship of atomic number to atom type.
  • Isotopes: Relate the identity of an isotope to the number of protons/neutrons it contains, the mass number, and identify an isotope by its nuclear symbol.
  • Atomic Mass: Determine the atomic mass of atoms in grams and amu and explain the relationship between mass and subatomic particles including conceptualizing the relationship between weighted averages in atomic mass.
  • Identify Ions: Determine the number of electrons/neutrons given a particular ion and determine the ion given a particular number of electrons/neutrons. Classify ions as cations or anions.
  • Conversions Atoms/Mass: Utilize the periodic table and Avogadro’s number to convert between quantities of molar mass <-> moles of an element <-> number of atoms.

:books: Reading

:paperclip: Important Terms

Matter Isotope
Element Atomic Mass
Atom Mass Number
Electron Molar Mass
Proton Mole
Neutron Avogadro’s Number
Ion amu

:memo: Sample Assessment Questions

Sample assessment questions for CHEM 1340 SLO 1.1

:movie_camera: Dr. Thompson Videos

  • Mass \(\rightarrow\) moles \(\rightarrow\) atoms

  • amu (atomic mass units), grams, and moles

  • Converting between moles and number of atoms

  • Average atomic masses and isotopic abundance

  • Molar mass - comparing two different elements

:headphones: External Videos, Tutorials, Simulations

:pencil2: Practice Problems

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