SLO 3.2 Bond Energy

Describe the electronic structure of matter using data and models

:key: Key Concepts and Skills

  • Enthalpy: Classify processes as endothermic or exothermic
  • Formation Molecular(Covalent) Bonds: Recognize the relationship between Coulombic attraction between charged particles and how this plays out when atoms combine to form a bond.
  • Bond Energy: Determine relative bond energies based on bond orders and atom size.
  • Enthalpy of Reaction: Explain the relationship between exothermicity/endothermicity of processes including bond making/breaking. Calculate the enthalpy of a given reaction given a table of bond energies.
  • Enthalpy Atom Combination: Explain the process of atom combination and the relationship between bond order/bond strength and enthalpy of atom combination. Calculate the enthalpy of atom combination for a given molecule.

:books: Reading

:paperclip: Important Terms

Enthalpy Lewis Structure
Exothermic Bond Order
Endothermic Bond Energy
Atom Combination  

:memo: Sample Assessment Questions

Sample assessment questions for CHEM 1340 SLO 3.2

:movie_camera: Dr. Thompson Videos

  • Enthalpy of Atom Combination

  • Enthalpy Reaction Diagram

:headphones: External Videos, Tutorials, Simulations

:pencil2: Practice Problems

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