SLO 3.4 Molecular Structure

Students will predict molecular geometry based on VSEPR and valence bond theory paradigms

:key: Key Concepts and Skills

  • Electron Geometry: Use valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory to predict the electron geometry of molecules, and their bond angles.
  • Molecular Geometry (Shape): Assign molecular geometries to compounds from a symbolic representation (formula, Lewis structure) using VSEPR. Determine bond angles including describing why deviations from ideal bond angles occur.
  • Hybridization and Valence Bond Theory: Demonstrate how hybrid orbitals are formed for atoms in a molecule using and describe the resulting orbital shape for \(sp\), \(sp^2\) and \(sp^3\). Connect hybridized geometries to the conclusions derived from VSEPR.
  • Pi and Sigma Bonding, Identify molecular bonds as pi (\(\pi\)) or sigma (\(\sigma\)), explain properties of pi and sigma bonds, and explain how orbital overlap leads to different bond types.
  • Polar Molecules: Identify polar molecules by determining appropriate partial charges (sign and magnitude) of an atom and assess magnitude and direction of individual bond and molecular dipole moments.

:books: Reading

:paperclip: Important Terms

VSEPR Theory Valence Bond Theory
Electron Domains Atomic Orbital
Bonding Domains \(\sigma\) Bonding
Nonbonding Domains \(\pi\) Bonding
Tetrahedral Geometry Orbital Hybridization
Trigonal Planar Geometry Bond Dipole
Linear Geometry Molecular Dipole

:memo: Sample Assessment Questions

Sample assessment questions for CHEM 1340 SLO 4.1

:movie_camera: Dr. Thompson Videos

  • Valence Bond Theory - \(\sigma\) and \(\pi\) bonding

  • Valence Bond Theory - Bonding Part 1?

  • Valence Bond Theory - Bonding Part 2?

  • Valence Bond Theory - Quick Bonding Overview

  • Valence Bond Theory - Hybridization

:headphones: External Videos, Tutorials, Simulations

:pencil2: Practice Problems

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