SLO 1.1 - Kinetic Molecular Theory

Describe the molecular and bulk behavior of perfect gas using basic equations of state and the kinetic model

:key: Key Concepts and Skills

  • Phenomenological Gas Descriptions: Understand the four key variables of state and the associated empirical gas equations of state (Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law, Avogadro’s Principle
  • Temperature: Invoke the thermodynamic definition of temperature
  • Kinetic Molecular Theory: Restate the basic key assumption of kinetic molecular theory, and use the ideal gas law to predict basic behavior of a so-called ``perfect’’ gas
  • Boltzmann Distribution: Interpret and plot the equation for molecular speed distributions and justify important features of the curve and how they depend on temperature and molecular mass. Solve for three key velocities (\(v_{rms}\), \(v_{mp}\), and \(v_{mean}\)).
  • Equipartition Theorem: Calculate the degrees of freedom associated with a particle/molecule and assign them to either translational, rotational, or vibrational energy. Discuss the relationship between these types of molecular motion, internal energy, and heat capacity.

:books: Reading

:paperclip: Important Terms

Pressure Temperature
Volume Perfect Gas
Kinetic Molecular Theory Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
Root-mean Squared Speed Mean (average) Speed
Most Probable Speed State Variables

:memo: Sample Assessment Question

Sample assessment questions for CHEM 3336 SLO 1.1

:headphones: External Videos, Tutorials, Simulations

:pencil2: Practice Problems

  • From the textbook:
    • Exercises: 1A.1, 1A.2, 1A.9, 1A.13
    • Problems: 1A.2, 1A.7
    • Exercises: 1B.1, 1B.3, 1B.5
    • Problems: 1B.3
  • From other external sources:

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