SLO 1.3 - Energy, Enthalpy, and the First Law of Thermodynamics

Begin exploring how energy is transformed in chemical and physical processes

:key: Key Concepts and Skills

  • System and surroundings: Interpret the meaning of sign (+ or -) on heat, work and internal energy Path and state functions: Describe the difference between state functions (internal energy) and path function (heat and work)
  • Calorimetry: Use the principles of constant-pressure calorimetry to calculate heats of combustion
  • Heat capacity: Leverage the relationship between internal energy, enthalpy, and heat capacities to solve for various quantities. Comment on the relationship between heat capacities for perfect (ideal) and non-perfect gases.
  • Reversibility: Compare quantities like “work performed” in reversible and irreversible processes.
  • Processes: Calculate the change in internal energy, enthalpy, heat, and work for various processes (i.e. reversible, isothermal compression)
  • Adiabatic: Relate values of pressure, volume, and temperature in an adiabatic expansion or compression process
  • Exact Differentials: Manipulate the exact differentials for enthalpy and energy to solve for various parameters and relate to measurable quantities (i.e. Joule-Thomson coefficient)

:books: Reading

:paperclip: Important Terms

Heat Reversible Process
Work State Function
Energy Heat Capacity (C\(_p\), C\(_v\))
Exothermic Internal Pressure
Endothermic Joule-Thompson
Compression Expansion Coefficient
Expansion Isothermal Compressibility

:memo: Sample Assessment Question

Sample assessment questions for CHEM 3336 SLO 1.3

:headphones: External Videos, Tutorials, Simulations

:pencil2: Practice Problems

  • From the textbook:
    • Exercises: 2A.5, 2B.2, 2C.5, 2C.6, 2D.1, 2D.5, 2E.2
    • Problems: 2A.1, 2B.3, 2D.8, 2E.1
  • From other external sources:

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