SLO 1.5 - Free Energy and Equilibrium
Bring concepts of thermodynamics together to discuss spontaneity and equilibrium behavior
Key Concepts and Skills
- Free Energy: Step through the basic “derivation” (rationale) for the new quantities A and G to describe spontaneity
- Maxwell Relations: Use the maxwell relationships and appropriate gas laws to drill down on specific relationships (internal energy and volume, for example)
- Spontaneity: Use free energy as a criteria for determining spontaneity, compare the respective contributions of entropy and enthalpy
- Equilibrium: Combine equations and relationships from thermodynamics to derive relevant thermodynamic quantities and predict the direction of equilibrium, incorporate the equilibrium constant and reaction quotient
- From the textbook:
- Topic 3C-D
- Topic 6A
- POGIL Activities
- Fundamental 11: Boundary Changes
- Fundamental 12: Laboratory Conditions
- Other:
- Helmholtz Free Energy
- Thermodynamics of Protein Folding
- Engel and Reid (alternative textbook): Chapter 5
- McQuarrie (alternative textbook): Chapter 20
Important Terms
Helmholtz Free Energy | Gibbs Free Energy |
Maxwell Relations | Fundamental Equations |
Gibbs-Helmholtz Relationship | Fugacity |
Spontaneity | Equilibrium |
Equilibrium Constant | Reaction Quotient |
Sample Assessment Question
External Videos, Tutorials, Simulations
Practice Problems
- From the textbook:
- Exercises: 3C.2, 3C.3, 3D.3, 3D.4
- Problems: 3C.3, 3D.2 3D.4, 3D.9
- From other external sources: