SLO 2.1 - Quantum Introduction

Dive into the early observations that led to the discovery of quantum mechanics

:key: Key Concepts and Skills

  • Classical Failures: Explain key failures of classical mechanics and their implications (blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect, atomic spectroscopy, wave-particle duality)
  • Schrodinger Equation: Define the components of and apply the time-independent Schrodinger equation to basic wavefunctions.
  • Using Wavefunctions: Manipulate, normalize, and find expectation values for a given wave function. Calculate the probability densities over a given range.
  • Eigenvalue Equations: Recognize eigenvalue equations and solutions. Apply operators to an eigenfunction (including the Hamiltonian operator)
  • Uncertainty Principle: Describe the uncertainty principle and its implication for particle wave functions.
  • QM Postulates: Identify scenarios in which the QM postulates are or are not properly followed.

:books: Reading

:paperclip: Important Terms

Blackbody Radiation Wavefunction
Photoelectric Effect Operators
Bohr Atom Uncertainty Principle
Schrodinger Equation Eigenvalue
Probability Density Eigenfunction
Quantum Mechanical Postulates Expectation Value

:memo: Sample Assessment Question

Sample assessment questions for CHEM 3336 SLO 1.5

:headphones: External Videos, Tutorials, Simulations

:pencil2: Practice Problems

  • From the textbook:
    • Exercises: 7A.2, 7A.5, 7A.6, 7A.7, 7A.11, 7B.1, 7B.3, 7B.4, 7B.5, 7C.2, 7C.3, 7C.5, 7C.7
    • Problems: 7B.1, 7B.3, 7B.4, 7C.2, 7C.3, 7C.4, 7C.8,
  • From other external sources:

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