2022 Summer Research Begins

On 6/27/22 the Thompson group welcomes five new students for their first summer research experiences!

  • Renee Escobedo
  • Ivan Mounteer
  • Emily El-Shaer
  • Lili Garcia
  • Alyssa Havens

These students will be working for 6 weeks - learning the ropes of SAM preparation and analysis and coming up with a unique project. Renee and Ivan will be working on a joint project with Dr. Santiago Toledo (who recently joined the faculty at American University) that explores direct coordination of Cu(II) complexes with SAMs. This work is funded by a mini-grant under the NSF-funded i4 institute for interdisciplinary science (Grant No. 1832282). Emily, Lili, and Alyssa will be expanding upon earlier work investigating the impact of disorder in mixed SAMs on protein adsorption. Their work is supported by the Welch Foundation and Lewis donor funds.